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A member registered Sep 22, 2023

Recent community posts

where do you find mods?

Like mecha snekka?

i'd love those too!

Do you think they abandoned this page?

cool name, sums up life perfectly

i am very understanding... but i cant help but ask, whens the next update or did this get abandoned/forgotten?

whats with all the deleted posts?

my favorite thing about this page is that *Known Issues*: Unfinished game, what you expect?

other than cheats (i read that in the earlier comments)

are the patreon versions further developed than this public one?

so this game IS getting updates?

yeah... demo's broke for me, wont launch got a fix?

has there been any work on this since 0.5.6?

activate your windows gyatt damn

you can add apps to steam i do believe, i have seen the option

that was unexpected, sweet!

is there an eta to the updoot? I wouldnt mind if there wasnt im just curious, sorry if im getting annoying

now, i wonder, will this get any new updoots?

it'll be fine if this is final im just curious